We would love to hear about your experiences. If you’d like to share your story, please register. Once you are registered you can add new posts or view and edit your posts.
If you have photos you would like to include in your post, mention this in your post. If you have written a full post, I will upgrade the permissions on your account and send you an email when I’m done. You will then be able to upload photos and insert them into your posts. I ask for you to write the full post first so I can tell you aren’t a spammer and you are someone actually interested in submitting something of value.
When you submit your post, it won’t immediately be visible to everyone, but I will receive an email letting me know it is there. Provided it is family friendly and fits with the theme of this site, I will most likely approve it right away. I’ll also choose or create a category for it.
I reserve the right to refuse any submission for any reason.
Please consider adding a little information about yourself to your profile. That information will appear at the bottom of your posts. Also, you can attach a photo to your profile.